Happy Friday! Welcome to my regular Friday’s Fab Links feature – a roundup of my favourite personal finance blog posts from this week.
Ok, give it to me straight… Are my social badges (Twitter, Facebook etc.) over here on the right a bit too large? I’ve installed the Social Stickers WordPress Plugin and this is on the medium setting. The small setting was so tiny, I had to strain my eyes to see them. I didn’t even try using the large icons after seeing the medium setting! Anyway, I guess you won’t be able to miss them?
This week, I’ve been feeling pretty crappy – nothing to do with debt stuff, just that I’ve generally been under the weather and I’ve been suffering from a sickness bug for the last couple of days. Ugh. I can’t wait for Spring, this cold wet weather that we’re experiencing in the UK is running me into the ground!
So I’m going to keep this post short and sweet today as I haven’t really got much energy! Before I move onto my favourite personal finance blog reads, I just wanted to say thank you to Pauline at Savvy Scot for including my post Debt Free Living: A Dream or A Reality? in the Blogger’s Carnival of Financial Planning last week!
Thanks also to Tonya at Budget and the Beach and Everybody Loves Your Money for sharing my post: The emotional stages of debt: Regret on their sites. If anyone else mentioned me, please let me know so that I can thank you. I don’t always get pingbacks!
Ok, onto the main feature!
Girl Meets Debt posted a helpful article called 5 Best Tips for New Bloggers. I wish I’d read this when I first started blogging as it would have saved me a lot of time! If you’re a new blogger, I’d definitely recommend reading her post.
Jefferson from See Debt Run posted How to Make Money with a Blog. He shares how to get started with a blogging platform and ways in which you can make money blogging once you’re up and running.
Michelle from Making Sense of Cents had another awesome month for earning money! Here’s her post on $12,640 in January Business Income. If you’re looking for an inspirational read about earning cash, this is it!
Rob from Debt Advice Blog wrote a handy overview explaining Debt Management Plans. The hubby and I are in a debt management plan ourselves. During the time we’ve been in a debt management plan, it has proved helpful for us and it has given us valuable breathing space when we really needed it.
Charles at Getting A Rich Life posted an interesting read about Six Rules On How To Become A Millionaire. If you can follow these rules, you could be on the way to building significant wealth in the future.
Mark at Money Saving Dude wrote a good book review on The Millionaire Next Door. I’ve been meaning to get hold of a copy as I’ve seen this book mentioned a lot in the PF blogging world. If you’re thinking about reading it too, you might want to check out Mark’s review before buying the book.
I hope you enjoy these great personal finance blog reads – have a lovely weekend everyone!
Posts on my site this week:
- January Debt Repayment Update
- Investing in Overseas Stock Markets for Beginners
- The emotional stages of debt: Regret
- An interview with Rob from Debt Advice Blog
If you enjoy reading posts here on A Disease Called Debt, why not consider subscribing by email or grabbing the RSS feed?
Nope, the social badges aren’t too big at all, although I would hate to see large if that was medium sized lol. I hope you feel better soon Hayley. Thank you for including my post. Have a very relaxing weekend my friend. xo
Girl Meets Debt recently posted…Trying To Buy Love: My Debt Story
Ha Ha! You’re welcome GMD, it was a great post. 🙂 Hope you are doing ok and that you have a lovely weekend too. xo
They’re large, but not too in-your-face, if you get me. I guess with the plugins sometimes you are a little bit restricted with what you can get. I managed to figure out how to install my own, more colour-coordinated icons on my writer site – nellcasey.com.au If you want the link to the tutorial I used, let me know 🙂
Nell @ The Million Dollar Diva recently posted…Working Out My Holiday Budget – Trip Planning Begins
Thanks Nell! I’d love the link to the tutorial please – I’ll email you!
They are quite large icons compared to others, but they do the job of drawing attention to them so they are effective in that way. Plus they fit in with the depth of your other sidebar blocks. I’d say they are a good size for your site Hayley. You got me feeling self-conscious now – maybe mine are too small?! lol
Wealth Tortoise recently posted…Buy Your Technology Later
Ha Ha! Yours fit well into your header and they look good there. I’ll keep tweaking them and see if I can get some lovely looking icons at a normal size!
Your social badges are fine Hayley. Thanks for mentioning my article here! 🙂
Mark Ross recently posted…Book Review: The Millionaire Next Door
Thanks Mark – and you’re welcome!
Hayley recently posted…Personal Finance Blog Roundup – Friday’s Fab Links #24
The social icons are large, but I think they look good, I wouldn’t change it – I hope you start feeling better soon 🙂
Glen @ Monster Piggy Bank recently posted…When is the best time to buy a car?
Thanks Glen, glad you think they are ok. 🙂 I’ve caught a bug from my daughter I think, but it’s starting to go now thank goodness!
Hayley recently posted…Personal Finance Blog Roundup – Friday’s Fab Links #24
Hi Hayley! Just found your blog from a link over on Lyle’s page, “The Joy of Simple” and appreciated your perspective on the “Disease Called Debt.” So very, very true. My husband and I went completely debt free about 4 years ago and it was the most awesome step we ever took. We went from a beginning with massive amounts of debt…to living within our means…to now living BELOW our means and our lives are so free and so RICH with all the things we enjoy doing. We just got rid of all the excess and found at the core all the really good stuff. it’s been an amazing journey for us and I so encourage every other person on the planet to give it a go! I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts and following your journey. ~Kathy
Kathy @ SMART Living 365.com recently posted…Ten Awesome Benefits to Growing Older
Hi Kathy, thanks for stopping by and commenting! How inspiring to read how you became debt free and are now enjoying life to the full. I hope that my hubby and I can follow in your footsteps! I look forward to reading more about you on your blog! All the best, Hayley 🙂
Nope, they are just fine! You’d rather have accessible, than illegible! I hope you feel better, dear. This time can have a lot of ups and downs.
Dear Debt recently posted…Valentine’s Day and Anniversaries on a Budget
Yeah – my thoughts exactly! Feeling better at last thank you Melanie. 🙂
Thanks for the include. Being under the weather sucks especially because of this cold front. Hope you feel better soon.
Charles@gettingarichlife.com recently posted…The Advantages Of YOLO In Your Finances
Thanks Charles! Feeling much better at last!