Welcome to Friday’s Fab Links, my regular recommended blog reads post!
This week, I’ve been busy launching my new eBook “Achieving Debt Freedom” which is FREE to download for 3 more days until July 20th. You can download my eBook now by clicking this link! You can read all about my eBook in my launch post before you order it too.
To all the amazing PF bloggers who have been helping me promote my eBook this week – thank you – from the bottom of my heart! I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support I’ve received and because of your social shares, I’ve had hundreds of downloads already so far. You are all wonderful!
In other aspects of my life, I enjoyed attending my little girl’s school Sport’s Day earlier this week (another reason I’m thankful for being able to work from home, so I can attend events like this). I couldn’t believe it when she won a couple of races! She’s only 3 years old but boy oh boy… she can run fast!
I’m so proud of her and she got lots of stickers from nursery afterwards to say ‘well done’. I did kind of embarrass myself though by egging her on at the top of my voice far more loudly than the other parents. Maybe I’m more competitive than I thought previously. 🙂
Here are my recommended reads this week:
Wise Dollar published a great post by Laurie from The Frugal Farmer called Assessing Your Financial Situation: The Road to Debt Free. Laurie explains how to start assessing your finances including how to work out your net worth and debt to income ratio. This is something I still need to do so I’ll definitely be bearing this in mind.
Grayson Bell wrote Can You Complain When It’s Free? over at Frugal Rules. As much as I hate to admit it, I have found myself grumbling in the past over something I’ve received for free. This post explains why we should stop complaining over free stuff!
The Heavy Purse hosted a guest post from Kayla at Shoeaholicnomore called Teachable Money Moments – Missed Opportunities. Kayla explains different examples of money lessons she could have been taught during her childhood but missed out on. There’s some important messages in here for any parents out there!
I really enjoyed this fun post by Ricky from Skint Dad. For anyone who enjoys the TV series 24, you’ll probably love this: Jack Bauer’s (Hypothetical) 24 Money Making Tips. Not only is Jack pretty awesome at saving the planet, he’s also (hypothetically) very financially savvy too!
Ready for Zero had a great guest post by Matt from Listen, Money Matters called Dough on the Side: How to Earn Extra Cash on Your Lunch Break. Matt has a great way of telling a story, very witty and funny, and I wish I could write like this! There’s a great message in this article about making the most of opportunities to make money, this is well worth a read.
If you missed any posts on my site this week, here they are:
- Debt Management Plans – The Key Facts You Need to Know
- Free eBook Available Now – “Achieving Debt Freedom”
- How Starting a Blog Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Thank you to the following for mentioning me in recent carnivals and posts:
- Carnival of Money Pros – Single Moms Income
- Yakezie Carnival – Monica on Money
- DDSW Commenter Love: Meet-n-Greet #2– Double Debt Single Woman
- Blog Love – Summer Hours – Mo Money Mo Houses
- Change of Plans / Link Love – Budget and the Beach
Finally, I’m guest posting today over at Making Sense of Cents – How to Pay Off Your Overdraft Without Even Noticing. Please head on over to check it out!
Have a great weekend all!
*Original image courtesy of Flickr – adapted by Disease Called Debt
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Thanks for including me in your round up Hayley. Some fantastic posts here. Also, congratulations on your eBook. I am going to download it after leaving this comment to have a read.
– Ricky
Ricky Willis recently posted…£5 Cashback on Suncare
I really enjoyed your post Ricky – anything to do with 24 makes me sit up and take notice lol! Thank you re my eBook, hope you like it!
Thanks so much for giving a shout out to my posts on both Frugal Rules & Wise Dollar – I really appreciate it Hayley! Congrats on the ebook as well, I’m going to be downloading it myself. 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend!
John @ Frugal Rules recently posted…The Lemonade Stand Review & Giveaway
Hi John, you’re very welcome! And thank you re the eBook, I hope you enjoy it! Have a great weekend too. 🙂
I’m going to have to go download the book tonight! Thanks for making it free for a little bit 🙂 and Congrats!
Ryan @ Impersonal Finance recently posted…the right time to have children
No worries – I hope you enjoy the eBook Ryan. Let me know what you think!
Congrats on the launch of your e-book! I think we were all more than happy to spread the word!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Change of Plans/Link Love
Thanks Tonya! 🙂
Thanks for mentioning my guest post! Have a great weekend Hayley 🙂
Kayla @ Shoeaholicnomore recently posted…Budget Check 7/18/2014
You’re welcome Kayla – have a great weekend too! 🙂