Author: Hayley

I’ve been reading so many blogs lately and there really is a wealth of information out there to inspire others. I thought I would write a weekly post (or try to anyway) to capture which blog posts I’ve enjoyed and why. Here’s my fab links from this week: Amanda from My Life I Guess wrote a thought-provoking post on ‘Don’t Delay the Happy’. Why does it take something bad to happen before we realise that life is too short? As Amanda points out, life is for the living. Check out her post to remind yourself why. Thomas from Your Daily…

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In a former life, I was a make up artist amongst other things. I’ve always had a passion for make up which started when I messed about with borrowed my sister’s make up aged 13. In relation to my make up business, I specialised in bridal make up and make up lessons. I still do the odd wedding now and then but not many these days. My hubby works away a lot at the weekends and we now have our daughter to look after, so by the time I’ve paid for childcare it doesn’t leave me with much profit! Anyway,…

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I’ve been researching cheap birthday party ideas for kids for a while now! My beautiful little girl will be 3 years old in September and she is already talking about her upcoming birthday. She’s really excited! It’s the first time she’s really been aware of her birthday happening. Last year I think she was a bit bewildered by all the people coming and going and the fuss we all made of her. That celebration set us back around £200 (over $300) with all the food, drink, presents etc. Yes, a fortune just for a 2 hour party – and it…

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Have you ever wondered about how to pay off your mortgage faster? Our own mortgage situation is not exactly ideal. At the moment, we’re on an interest only mortgage to try to keep the costs down whilst we’re paying off debts. It’s not a great situation to be in because we’re not actually paying anything off the capital loan (£132K). It’s just the interest that gets paid off each month. The term of the mortgage is 25 years and this term won’t be reduced until we start paying off the capital. The good thing is that we’re not in negative…

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