Social media and businesses
In 2018, we are finding that the importance of social media is becoming more and more significant. Social media has made an impact on our daily lives but even more significantly upon our businesses. Social media is crucial to new business models, as its effectiveness in generating more income for brands and businesses has been realised.
But how can social media help you make money?
Social media doesn’t directly process any sales transactions, however it is the newest, easiest method that generates and encourages sales. In order to successfully create a money-making social media presence, there are a few steps to follow before you get there:
1. Choosing the right channel
There are many social media channels available: Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and more. It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the options available for you to choose from. However not all social media channels are suitable for your brand and business, in fact choosing the wrong one could mean you are not attracting the right people.
To embark you money-making journey on social media start by determining which channel (or channels) to use. If your company can offer short, snappy information for their audience to take-a-way, Twitter is a suitable channel for you to promote your business on; If your brand can connect with your customers using engaging visual content, Youtube, Instagram and Pinterest are channels you can look into; alternatively if you are a B2B business with expertise knowledge within the industry, you might want to try using Linkedin.
There are more details to how to choose the right channel to use, as discussed on: for you to read about.
2. Providing content with value
If you are a small business, you want to find ways to stand out from all the other businesses. In order to do that you have to ensure your brand doesn’t just exist but that it makes an influence on whoever comes across your social media channels in order for them to want to pay for your service or brand.
One way to achieve that is by providing content with value. Whether it be visuals or textual content, the difference between putting and not putting effort in correlates to how well your audience responds to your business. For images and videos, invest in good equipment to produce high-quality end products, you can even consider adding graphics to them for interactive effects. Visually pleasing content of your products is much more noticeable and effective than those that aren’t. As to articles and blog posts, spend time planning, researching and writing your content, your users will value your company’s expert opinion and subscribe to your professional services if done right.
3. Connect and be inspired
Besides creating high quality content, your social media channel is also a great way for you to connect and be inspired by other similar brands. Networking doesn’t just connect you with them but their audience too. You should also utilise this opportunity evaluate how your business is performing against others. What are they doing that could be adapted to your social media plan? How have they positioned themselves differently to you? What are your unique selling points from these brands?
Start your business’ social media strategy
Social media is a fast growing environment and it is something that you and your company will have to take time learning and adapting. However when done right, it will attract a lot more potential customers who will invest their time and eventually become fans. This directly improves your sales and increases your company’s revenue.
However, if you are looking to grow your business professionally, try consulting digital agencies like Click Consult, ( to see what they can offer.