Happy Monday! Although this April debt repayment update is a little late, it’s well worth waiting for! Because April has been more than amazing for us in terms of us getting out of debt.
I’m still reeling from what’s been going on with our debt situation recently, so I’m just going to lay it out there like this so I can believe it all over again. Here goes…
In January 2013, at the beginning of this journey, our debt totalled a massive £41,489. We faced our fears about debt and set about tackling it.
We reduced our debt bit by bit during 2013 and just in the last couple of months alone we had a bit of a breakthrough after receiving a refund for mis-sold PPI. Yes, we were ripped off with Payment Protection Insurance by a major UK lender a few years ago and recently received a refund. In case you didn’t know about this, feel free to read all about it here!
Anyway, in March, we reduced our debt by £5707.44, which meant our debt stood at £27,287.95. This was pretty incredible for us given the amount we started out with.
And now for the most incredible sentence I’m probably ever going to write on this blog… During April we managed to reduce our debt by a jaw dropping £12,750.21! This means that our total debt stands at just £14,537.74!
Say what?! How?
Well, I mentioned in my February repayment post that the PPI refund we were about to receive was four figures, not five. I didn’t want to jinx anything (call me superstitious) so I didn’t specify the amount at that time, but I can now tell you that we received a payment of just over £9K. The entire refund was put towards the debts and there is not a single penny left.
The reason why we managed to eliminate more debt than the amount we received was because we also added some savings that we’d put to one side over the last couple of months whilst we were taking over our debt management plan ourselves (rather than using a debt management company).
We also managed to negotiate some full and final settlements with some of the debts that we paid off. The only reason we were able to do this is because some of these debts were bought out by debt collection agencies when we had to enter into a debt management plan a couple of years ago.
Debt collection agencies often buy the debt for a lot lower than it’s worth, sometimes as little as 4p for every £1 worth of debt if I remember rightly. It’s been two years since we started our debt management plan so a couple of the creditors had more than made their money back and although they were not obliged to, they were willing to settle at a lower amount.
I’m sure not everyone will agree with the fact that we made a couple of deals to settle our debts at a lower amount. But I feel happy about this decision. The hubby and I used this opportunity with our mis-sold PPI refund to get enough money together to make a couple of reduced settlements which were offered and negotiated by following a very fair process. We have been in debt for 15 years now and we don’t want to be in debt for much longer! This seemed like the best way to make sure the PPI refund went to good use.
We’d been approached by PPI companies offering to look into PPI for us for the last few years and we always thought nothing of it and said “Thanks but no thanks!“. I think the stars aligned for us that day when we decided to look into mis-sold PPI and put a claim forward on our own instead of using a PPI company to manage it for us. We could have ended up paying a 25% commission if we hadn’t gone down the DIY route!
I’ve also since thought that if we’d have received a PPI refund before we started getting serious about our debts, we probably would have spent it on a holiday and lots of nice things (i.e. totally not put the debts first at all). As soon as we realised that we were due to received a refund, we honestly didn’t even think about spending the money elsewhere. It’s been such a relief to be able to pay it off the debts!
Review of financial goals
Back in January, I stated that one of our financial goals was to reduce our debt down to £20K by December 2014. It turns out that very unexpectedly we’ve achieved that goal (!) so now it’s time to set a new one.
We have just one creditor left to pay and this £14.5K worth of debt consists of one bank loan. I can’t quite believe this, but we’re on the home stretch and the end is in sight! It makes sense therefore that our new goal relating to debt will be to pay off the remainder of our debt by the end of this year. May as well aim high!
How was April for you?
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Wow!! Congratulations, that pay off is amazing. I’ve recently received compensation via the misselling by CPP but like you, in the past, I would have spent it on a holiday rather than clearing my debt. I look forward to reading your ‘home run’ posts in the future.
Victoria @thefrugaltrial recently posted…Shopping Moral Dilemma
Thanks Victoria! I’m so thankful that we’ve been able to make some significant headway. If we hadn’t had the PPI refund come through, debt payoff would have been much slower although still headed in the right direction!
The PPI thing seems like a stroke of luck, but its amazing how often luck favours those who are taking positive steps in their lives. Congrats, and enjoy the home straight – almost there!!
moneystepper recently posted…Should I Save in an ISA or a non-ISA Savings Account?
I never thought of it like that Money Stepper. But yes, things have definitely been looking up since we started changing our attitude around money! Thank you.
That is awesome, Hayley! I’m so happy for you guys. You are a shining example of facing your debt and succeeding with your repayment journey! WTG!!
debt debs recently posted…Debt Update – The Bears are Beating the Bunnies
Thanks so much Debt Debs for your kind words!
Yay!!!!! SO happy for you guys, Hayley! That snowball is really starting to roll now. 🙂
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer recently posted…Prepping 101: Be Prepared Not Merely to Survive, but to THRIVE
Thanks Laurie! The debt snowball thing really does work!
Hi Hayley,
A huuuge well done! That is absolutely amazing. Won’t be long until you’re debt free! 🙂
Thanks Rob! It’s been a long time coming (15 years) and I honestly can’t wait for that day when I make the last debt payment. A big debt payment like this is just great for motivation. Have you looked into mis-sold PPI? Might be worth it if you haven’t done so already.
Wow that’s HUGE!! Congratulations!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Budget and the Beach Turns Two!
Thank you Tonya! 🙂
Congratulations Hayley!!! I know your debt repayment journey has been a long one, but it must feel so wonderful to feel like you are finally closer to “seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.” Great work!
Shannon @ Financially Blonde recently posted…Music Mondays – She Works Hard for the Money
I’m looking forward to making that last payment Shannon! It actually seems more real now! Thank you. 🙂
Wow! It’s great that you put all the money towards your debt. It must have felt amazing to see the balance go down this month.
Tre recently posted…April Update & May Goals
I still can’t stop opening up my debt tracker spreadsheet! Thanks Tre!
Hayley, this is amazing news! I’m so happy for you. To slash your debt right down to the £14k’s must have felt amazing. I owe in the £14k’s too but it looks as though you’ll zoom past me with all your tremendous efforts. Keep up the momentum you’ll be done in no time! 🙂
Debt Busting Chick recently posted…Blog Lovin Sundays
I was lucky to get this PPI refund which has really made a massive impact. If you haven’t looked into PPI, I recommend that you do! Thanks for your support Debt Busting Chick! 🙂
WOW. Jaw dropping update is right! Congrats Hayley! I am so happy for you and your family! I know you guys will be able to pay the remainder of your debt by the end of the year. 🙂
Girl Meets Debt recently posted…This is Why I Blog
Thanks GMD! I really hope we will be able to clear our debts by the end of the year – just need to buckle down some more and work harder! Thank you for your kind words GMD. xo
Boy…it sure feels good to see light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t it? We just paid off our mortgage in February and I can’t believe what a different it has made on our budget and on our perspective about the future.
Brian @ Luke1428 recently posted…Goodbye Mortgage and Lender B.O.A. Hello Baby Step 7!
That’s great news Brian, I can’t imagine what it must be like to have no mortgage but I bet it feels pretty amazing!
OMG!! Hayley!!! This is the best news, ever! I am so happy for you and I bet you and your husband are just dancing on cloud nine now. Good things start happening when you tackle your debt and keep a positive attitude (which isn’t always easy). Now you can see that light at the end of the tunnel and you’ll be there sooner than you ever imagined. And I agree – everything is coming together. Like you said, had you received your refund earlier, you would have spent on other things, rather than paying off a HUGE chunk of debt. YEAH!!!
Shannon @ The Heavy Purse recently posted…Fear or Joy: How Do You View Money?
Thank you Shannon! Both the hubby and I are still smiling! Things have changed so much for us in terms of our attitude around money. We know we have a lot of work to do when we’re debt free – we’ll still have a mortgage and we need to focus on saving – but to not have these debts hanging over our heads will be such a relief. 🙂
Congrats, that’s great!! I’m so happy for you guys, you deserve it. You’ve both put in a lot of work to make this happen, and everything is falling into place. I think you can pay off the rest by the end of the year. Way to go!
E.M. recently posted…April Budget Review
Thanks E.M! The PPI payment was such a huge help and we used every penny of it as best we could!
That’s really great news! It definitely seems like the finish line for you guys is in sight now! Keep up the effort and you guys will be debt free in no time.
Amanda @ Passionately Simple Life recently posted…Weeding Out Those Expenses
Thanks Amanda! This last payoff has motivated me so much because I never could have imagined being able to make such good headway.
That’s awesome Hayley! Great job and I hope you can meet your new goal too 🙂
Shoeaholicnomore recently posted…Guest Post: 10 Frugal Fashion Tips and Tricks
Thank you so much! 🙂
You’re right – this IS a jaw dropping update! Congrats Hayley!
Lisa E. @ Lisa vs. the Loans recently posted…April 2014 Net Worth
Wowee! That is exciting! It’s so great how the timing all worked out so nicely so that you were in the midset to put everything toward your debt. Way to go! You’re getting so close!
Stephanie @ Six Figures Under recently posted…What We Learned from Using a Balance Transfer to Pay Off Student Loans
That’s so awesome Hayley 🙂 You and your husband have been working so hard at chipping away your debt that big numbers might seem almost unreal..but they ARE real 🙂 Way to go!
Take care and my best to all.
lyle @ the Joy of Simple recently posted…Living A Life Without Regret
Thanks Lyle! This big repayment has been a huge motivator! I never want to be at the other end of the debt scale again. The end goal is in sight! 🙂