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Hayley, this is awesome. I SO needed this message today – thank you!!
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer recently posted…More Ways to Save Money on Groceries
I read a book about Happiness that was written by a Buddhist monk and as your Dalai Lama quote stated, true happiness really comes from your own actions and state of your mind. Sometimes we have to change what happiness means to us, but it is still something that is completely within our control.
Shannon @ Financially Blonde recently posted…Women’s Power Wednesday
Good stuff, Hayley.
During our debt payoff journey, I never let the depressing side of the situation get to me. Keeping our eye on the prize, and continuing to get closer and closer to our goals– kept our spirits high.
jefferson recently posted…What Does It Mean to “Make It Big”?
Great post! I need to remember this along my journey. It can be tough to find hobbies and things to do without spending too much… I will just have to think outside the box more I guess 🙂
Shoeaholicnomore recently posted…Using Passion to Pay Off Your Debt
You are right that happiness is important to find outside of financial situations. During my journey to pay off my student loans, I have realized that material things really are not that important to my overall well-being. I haven’t broken down because I stopped shopping or anything. I can survive just fine! It’s actually pretty empowering.
E.M. recently posted…Financial Lessons from The Big Bang Theory
Once I accepted my present situation, I decided that I was not going to let it damper my mood and take back some kind of control. My way of taking back of control of my debt was to continue to move forward and pay down as much debt as possible. Every step I take whether big or small makes me feel great because I am doing something to make my future better. Ok….I’ll get off my soap box now.
Petrish @ Debt Free Martini recently posted…5 Positive Attitudes While Paying Off Debt
Love this, Hayley! You are spot on, my friend. I see so people feel that until their debt is gone they cannot be happy, almost as if it would be a crime if they were happy. Absolutely not true! It does not need to be doom and gloom while you pay off debt. There will be rough days but they will be fewer and fewer as time goes by. You may not be able to do everything you want – like book that trip to the Maldives – but you can still enjoy life and even spend money on yourself. You just have to need to plan for those special treats and savor them. Debt doesn’t not need to be a punishment.
Shannon @ The Heavy Purse recently posted…Women’s Power Wednesday
Love this post. I used to let my debt get me down but no more. Instead I focus on what I already have and where I wanna be.
Jen recently posted…What’s Your Credit Score, Honey?
Thanks Jen! Setting goals and tracking your progress will also help keep your motivation going.
You know I love this whole series Hayley but this “Happiness” one is probably my favorite! 🙂 I haven’t always dealt with all the emotions of debt appropriately (like anger or denial) but the one emotion I’ve never lost in this whole debt repayment journey is happiness. 🙂 I WILL NOT put my happiness or life on hold just to pay off my debt 5 months faster.
Girl Meets Debt recently posted…Random Ramblings #2
Thanks GMD! It’s important to keep sane whilst paying off debt! Living a miserable existence is not the way to do that! 🙂
Great post, Hayley! I must say that I am feeling much happier now that I am half way through my mission of paying off debt and getting my financial life in order. I can only imagine what totally debt free feels like! Over the moon happy, perhaps? 😛 I came to realise that debt has a huge impact on ALL areas of life (not just financial) and by paying down debt and taking care of my money I gained more control of my life in general. And yes, became overall much happier and content. I hope you feel the same way as we both have come a long way from when we first started 😛
Thanks so much for the mention, Hayley. I am glad that I’m not completely forgotten now that I don’t spend as much time online working on my blog 😉 Thank you, friend! xo
Eva @ Girl Counting Pennies recently posted…Carnevale di Venezia 2014
You’re definitely not forgotten Eva! We have both come a long way and it’s great to reflect on our progress now and then! xo
It’s so true that even wealthy people can be unhappy. You’re spot on when you say how important it is to be happy right now, debt or no debt. I know quite a few people you’d consider loaded or rich and they are deeply unhappy individuals. There’s not enough money in the world that would make them happy. But for those of us that have have money problems in the past, we’ll never take it for granted!
Wealth Tortoise recently posted…I Won The Lottery! Sorta…
Exactly! Money does not always = happiness. If someone is rich, then money is one area that they don’t necessarily have to worry about, but it doesn’t mean happiness, that’s for sure.
Adding some ME money into my monthly budget keeps me happy.
Paying off debt is a drudge – no two ways about it. Its a slog
Having something to look forwards to each month makes life worthwhile and paying off debt a bit more bearable
getrichwithme recently posted…Who Wants To Be A Billionaire ?
It certainly can be a hard slog when paying off debt. It’s important not to lose sight of the end goal. ME money is also good for motivation!