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Great post that will hopefully help some new people own up to their truth. It’s never going to go away without taking action, as hard as that is!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Why Do We Work So Hard?
Thanks for sharing your situation! I appreciate the insight into your situation then vs now. I had known for a while about my debts as well, but I chose to ignore them for a long time while they slowly mounted. Several of my cards were near their limit when I finally had an embarrassing moment – my card was declined for a LOW amount. I knew I had to admit my problem and change. Thanks again for sharing 🙂
Shoeaholicnomore recently posted…Budget Check Up 2/21/2014
My main enemy with debt was procrastination. I just put off the first steps, avoiding them because I didn’t know how to proceed, or how hard it would be. So next month always seemed like a better time to start than now, and that went on for years. Good on you guys for making progress!
Done by Forty recently posted…BLS Consumer Statistics: What Do They Tell Us?
Hi Haley, you are so-o-o-o right about this. I don’t think any of us can read enough about getting out from under debt enough–and the more encouragement the better! The more of us blogging about it, writing about it, reading about it, the better it is to get debt free and stay there. Keep up the good work. You are helping more people than you even realize. ~Kathy
Kathy @ SMART Living recently posted…Five Ways To Slay The Succubus of Crippling Debt
Awww Hayley, thank you so much for your kind words. Now, on some days when I am feeling down about my debt, I go to your blog for an uplifting boost in morale! Awesome, how it’s a full circle like that eh? 😉 You and your hubby are truly fighting and winning against debt. I’m so proud of you guys! 🙂 xo
Girl Meets Debt recently posted…Debt of a Credit Score
I always figured it would go away “one day”… and I’d finally be proactive about it, but it was never today. I just churned and churned, until I realized this was never going away… even with a good salary, etc. I would always find something to spend my money on, so there wasn’t anything left over to pay down debt – until I made debt repayment a priority. The encouragement that is around the PF Blogosphere is astounding to me honestly. I cannot get over how much it is helping to keep me on track.
Alicia @ Financial Diffraction recently posted…Yakezie Challenge – Three Months Later.
Hey Hayley and thanks for a very inspiring and personal post.
You both have come a long way and there is an end in sight 🙂
And remember, debt, no matter how large, is only a fraction of your life as a wife, daughter and mom so give yourself many pats on the back for taking care of all those elements that make you Hayley!!!
Take care and enjoy the weekend. My best to all.
lyle @ the Joy of Simple recently posted…The Magic Garbage Room
I am so glad you chose to open up to your friend and ended up where you are now! It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking your situation is hopeless and that you’ll never be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a long journey for some that requires a lot of sacrifice, and it can be very overwhelming to realize what needs to be done to get to the other side. It’s so worth it though!
E.M. recently posted…How I Plan to Reach Financial Independence
Thanks E.M. I’m really glad I had that chat with my friend too although at the time I didn’t realise that this was the beginning of things changing for me.
There is not a lot of information about the emotional side of debt and I’m glad your touching on this subject. Debt can really make you feel horrible. I can relate to feeling very emotional and sad, but I decided that I was not going to let it paralyze me anymore. I got up and started walking and now when you see me, I’m running. Getting out of debt calls for a bucket full of sacrifice, but I believe in the end it’s gonna be worth it. Good luck.
Petrish @ Debt Free Martini recently posted…Financial Roadmaps
Thanks Petrish! 🙂 Making those sacrifices is definitely going to be worth the end result! Good luck in your journey to debt freedom.
Hayley, LOVE this. As you know, we can totally identify with this post, down to the start date of your blog! Although that in some ways this year has been harder (as I see after a full year and how little of progress we’ve made that we really are in very deep), at the same time, there is a light at the end of the tunnel because, like you guys, we are TRYING and working our plan. Can’t wait till both of our families reach that debt free date. 🙂
Getting out from debt is every one’s dream! The best way to avoid debt or if you have, how to overcome it is by having emergency fund. Emergency fund is very useful in paying debt and be successful in debt payments.
I only have a small emergency fund but I think it’s important to have one all the same! If I put money aside for emergencies, I feel happier in the knowledge that any extra money in my account can go towards my debts.