Most people wish they had a little more money. Not necessarily an enormous fortune, but just enough to pay off the bills, put food on the table and feel financially secure. If you are struggling to get by on your monthly salary, there are plenty of ways to add a little boost to your income.
For example, you could work a second job on evenings or weekends, or you could even start your own side hustle making sweet treats or cute souvenirs to sell online. Another, generally more lucrative option, is to invest your money.
There are loads of ways to invest, by which you can use your existing money to make more money down the line. Many people have become ludicrously wealthy from good investments, but it’s far more likely you will be able to turn them into a solid revenue stream that will keep you going for years to come. It’s important to note at this stage that all investments come with some element of risk. You can’t guarantee that you will make a profit from your endeavor, and you may even lose a great deal of money if you’re not careful. But as long as you do your research, pick the right investment, and keep an eye on the market, you will certainly be able to increase your chances of success.
With that in mind, here are three of the most reliable and lucrative investments you can put your money into.
Real Estate
Property is always a safe bet when you want to invest your money. People will always need housing, and the value of real estate generally appreciates over time, meaning you can male a sizable profit. By purchasing properties, you make a solid passive income stream through capital appreciation alone, and if you are happy with some extra responsibility you could even become a landlord and take on some tenants to benefit from rental income. There are plenty of property investment companies out there who can help you build and manage your portfolio.
Savings Accounts
If you have a lot of savings, you shouldn’t let them stagnate in your current bank account as they are doing nothing for you. It might give you the security that you have some spare money at your disposal if you ever need it, but there is more you can be doing. Depositing it into a high yield savings account will allow you to accumulate interest in the background for minimal effort. You’ll never make a fortune this way, but every little helps.
Buying stocks means you are purchasing an individual share in a particular company, making you a partial owner. This means that when the company does well financially, you are also making money too. However, the opposite is also true, so if the price of the stock goes down, the value of your investment does too. By studying the market, you can predict lucrative companies to put your money into and guarantee a significant return over time.