Last week, I decided to allocate £100 for Christmas presents this year. Working to this budget for everyone I need to buy for will be tricky, but I think it will be possible to stick to it!
Because I’ve been putting off saving for Christmas (due to focusing on paying off debts), I’ve run into a little problem.
The problem is that I would have to take my allocated Christmas shopping cash out of any spare money left over at the end of the month after bills – and usually anything extra gets paid straight off the debts!
I really don’t want Christmas shopping to interfere with any extra debt repayments so with this in mind, I need to raise money for my Christmas present fund.
I haven’t sold anything on eBay for ages and so this is what I’m going to aim for in order to raise extra cash for Christmas along with any other work I can get that fits around my current job and family.
My Christmas Money Making Challenge
To give myself a good chance of achieving my goal of £100 in extra cash for Christmas, I’m going to list 50 items on eBay between now and 10th December and hope some of them sell. That’s 20 days! The reason for this deadline is that we’re going to stay with relatives from then until January for a long Christmas break, so I need to make sure all my shopping is done before then!
This is going to be a tedious task, as listing items on eBay is really time consuming (and boring). However, I’m hoping that by listing so many items I will be able to achieve my profit target of £100. If I manage to make more cash, then it will go off the debts as a special bonus payment!
I’m not sure what I’m going to list yet but given the amount of stuff lying around the house that we don’t use, I’m sure I can find 50 items. You never know what might sell on eBay. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure!
I will write a post at the end of the challenge stating the items I listed and how much they sold for (or not). Hopefully I will get the result I’m looking for!
I like setting myself little challenges like this and I thought that maybe some of you might want to join in or set up your own Christmas Money Making Challenge. It doesn’t have to be around selling stuff on eBay, it could be anything you like in order to make extra cash! If you would like to suggest ideas for your own challenge in the comments below, suggest away!
Do you fancy joining me in a Christmas Money Making Challenge?
Related posts:
- Make wads of cash from doing a car boot sale!
- How to survive buying gifts for others when paying back debt!
- Where does your loose change go?
Image courtesy of Free Digital Photos (Christmas Shopping Cart – Feelart)
Hey Hayley and thanks for the challenge idea!
I’ve been looking for ways, other than teaching, to make a few extra dollars for Christmas and I’ve replied to a few writing gigs on Craigslist. No word back yet, but if I am able to write from home and make some extra loot, then all the better 🙂
I also should look around the old apartment to see if I have anything to sell on CL. I prefer Craigslist over Ebay and can maybe use it to my advantage. I’ll let you know how it goes and I hope you make it good as well 🙂
Take care and happy selling! My best to all.
lyle @ the Joy of Simple recently posted…On Meeting Dale
Hi Lyle! I’ve never used Craigslist before but I should really check this out. I do begrudge the eBay fees at times! Good luck on the writing gigs, I hope you get them! 🙂
I may join you in this! I am not sure I have 50 items to sell, but I certainly have some! Let me see what I can come up to…
Michelle @fitisthenewpoor recently posted…Health on the Cheap: Dance Dance Party Party
Ooh yes do! I’d love to read about how you get on – keep me posted!
Good luck with your challenge! I think it’s great you’re looking to other avenues to make some extra money for Christmas shopping. I hope you exceed your goal a bit so you can give yourself a bonus debt payment as a present!
E.M. recently posted…Would You Get A Loan from a Pawn Shop?
Thanks so much E.M. That certainly would be the perfect gift! I want nothing else to be honest!
You are ambitious for listing 50 items on eBay! I’ve never sold items on eBay before but I have listed items on craigslist and between taking pictures, descriptions, answering emails/questions that usually led to nowhere I was exhausted lol. Good luck Hayley! 🙂
Girl Meets Debt recently posted…Where Did They Go???
I am dreading the tedious nature of what I’m going to be doing but I’m going to break it down into bitesize chunks and focus on the end goal! 🙂
Good luck with your challenge! I think it’s a great idea! I don’t think I’ll have time to sell anything on ebay, but I’m going to keep working hard at my other side hustles. And luckily my freelance video work is in full swing.
Budget and the Beach recently posted…What a Girl Wants
Thanks so much Tonya! That’s great that your freelance video work has picked back up! Good luck with your side hustles!
Good luck with your challenge!!
Fig @ Figuring Money Out recently posted…Spending: My Last 12 Months
Thanks so much! Appreciate you stopping by. 🙂
We started buying gifts in September this year, so we nearly finished with Christmas shopping. Good luck with your challenge – listing 50 items will certainly be a huge undertaking! I hope it pays off! 🙂
Amanda recently posted…Disclosure
Wow that’s so organised Amanda, I wish I’d started earlier! You must feel very relieved that it’s just about done! 🙂
Good luck with the challenge! I just sold something on Amazon today. The bonus is that it was a book that someone in my apartment left in the trash room. I guess he was too lazy to sell it or figured it wasn’t worth much. I’m not sure what else I can sell. I know someone who sells old (but in good condition) clothes. I might do that (and see if my wife wants to do that also!!).
Andrew@LivingRichCheaply recently posted…The Low Monthly Payment Trap
Selling something that someone wanted to trash makes the sale so much sweeter Andrew! It just goes to show that even the least likely of objects has a value to someone. Good luck with selling clothes, keep us posted on how that goes!
Along with everyone else, I am impressed! I have sold on ebay, but never that many things at once. I can’t even think of 50 things I have that would be worth selling.
I am going to be selling a few things on ebay and some things locally on facebook/craigslist. November and December are generally slow in my etsy shop since I don’t sell holiday things, so I’ve got to make up for it as best I can.
Stephanie @ Six Figures Under recently posted…Daring to Disclose Debt
I hadn’t thought about selling via facebook before, I might give that a go too! I’ll see how I get on with my 50 items on eBay first. I’m not completely sure what I will sell yet but tomorrow is the day where I’m going to have a clear out. Fingers crossed!
That is indeed a challenge! Fifty items and just a little time so let me join those who have wished you luck. It is all for good purpose so may you succeed.
Jen @ Frugal Rules recently posted…When Being Frugal Embarrassed Me
Thanks so much Jen! I look forward to posting my end of challenge update!
eBay can be time consuming but you can download a free eBay app on most smart phones – this is what I use & it makes listing items MUCH quicker! Have you considered doing a car boot sale? People will buy anything at a boot sale, plus it saves you on P&P costs & taking items to the post office. Last time we did one we made £92 on a load of ‘junk’ we couldn’t get rid of online! Hope this helps x
I usually spend far too much time on the descriptions – I know it’s important to make the most of the eBay listing but I’m going to have to use my time wisely on this challenge! I have an eBay app so I will try this and hopefully it will speed things up – thanks! I love car boot sales but alas – they’ve finished for the season for where I live because the cold weather has now set in! Thanks so much for stopping by Lynsey, I really appreciate your comment. 🙂
I seriously need to sell some stuff on ebay as well. It’s on my list!
I hope you raise some Christmas cash!
Holly@ClubThrifty recently posted…5 Ridiculous Gifts I’m Not Getting My Kids
Thanks so much Holly! Good luck with your eBay stuff too!
Good luck with the challenge!! I think you’re going to find it super tough only spending £100 in total on presents this year though. I recommend you get super frugal on its a** and go on a coupon and voucher code hunt!!
Thomas @ Finance Inspired recently posted…How to Combat Vampire Energy
Good idea Thomas, thank you! I intend to make some of my Christmas gifts for others so I’m hoping to save money that way and keep within my budget. It will be very tight even doing this. We shall see!
A worthy challenge and wish you the best in achieving your target. While I may not have have anything to sell, am looking at other ways of squeezing in that extra buck for christmas spending 🙂
Simon @ Modest Money recently posted…Is Videogaming the Future of Spectator Sport?
Thanks so much Simon! Good luck with your efforts to raise cash for Christmas! Do keep us posted with how you get on? 🙂
If you’re staying with family from the 10th until the new year perhaps you can make money by renting out your home during that time. I’m going on a vacation on Sunday and I’ve subletted my apartment for the duration to help offset the cost.
Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life recently posted…Finance Confessions: My Money Mistakes
Great idea Stefanie! Thank you for sharing this. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to sublet but I will definitely check my tenancy contract and speak to my landlord. That would help hugely if I could manage to get someone in for the duration of our Christmas break. Hope you have a great vacation!